Though we were masters of the strong will of self-effort,
Camille. P Rodriguezhas quotedlast year
The mind that shall save men who suffer.
Camille. P Rodriguezhas quotedlast year
in departing from worldly life he fulfilled his heart’s desire, and by him was clearly understanded the doctrine of the transience of life.
Camille. P Rodriguezhas quotedlast year
The perversity of man is as strong and piercing as the thorn of the jungle. With eyes of suspicion and venomous anger do they accuse and persecute them who believe upon the Holy Name.
Camille. P Rodriguezhas quotedlast year
By him alone that attaineth unto wisdom shall true joy to man be fulfilled according to nature and in peace.
Camille. P Rodriguezhas quotedlast year
“This act is worthy only of an outcast. For the fame of our race unworthy art thou to dwell in the Palace.”