Lorna Sage

Bad Blood

  • Анна Андрееваhas quoted4 years ago
    Marj was my schoolgirl mother’s brand-new best friend. Valma, my mother, had just turned sixteen that spring of 1934, and Marj was a year or at most two years older. She’d left school and was at a loose end, waiting for a hospital place to train as a nurse. She spent a lot of time at the vicarage, almost lived there, because she had in a sense no home.
  • Анна Андрееваhas quoted4 years ago
    Grandma had blackmailed Grandpa for years, by threatening to show his private diary to the Bishop unless he handed over part of his stipend every quarter?
  • Анна Андрееваhas quoted4 years ago
    . I couldn’t resist the
  • Анна Андрееваhas quoted4 years ago
    longing to be liked and accepted, even though it was so transparent its very intensity undermined my efforts. No one in the second eleven was more than dutifully friendly; they were embarrassed by my neediness and wary. Only in her company could I forget myself.
  • Анна Андрееваhas quoted4 years ago
    When, in my teens, I quarrelled with my mother, she would say in despair and disgust, “You’re just like your grandfather,” meaning
  • Анна Андрееваhas quoted4 years ago
    with the carving knife one of the many times when he came home pissed and incapable.”
  • Анна Андрееваhas quoted4 years ago
    had a scar down his hollow cheek, too, which Grandma had done
  • Анна Андрееваhas quoted4 years ago
    The high school liked girls with rounded characters, loyal, outgoing, serviceable girls who made the best of themselves.
  • Анна Андрееваhas quoted4 years ago
    marry local traders and solicitors like their fathers. Th
  • Анна Андрееваhas quoted4 years ago
    The high school cultivated the air of being somehow still fee-paying, it was designed to produce solid, disciplined, well-groomed girls who’d
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