Everything by which we excel proceeds from a murky and suspect source — from our depths, in fact.
Agustinahas quotedlast year
You look after yourself as best you can.
Agustinahas quotedlast year
Writing is the creature’s revenge, and his answer to a botched Creation.
Agustinahas quotedlast year
Writing and worship do not go together: like it or not, to speak of God is to regard Him from on high.
Agustinahas quotedlast year
n the middle of a sentence, how easily one believes oneself the center of the world!
Agustinahas quotedlast year
To write is to get free of one’s remorse and one’s rancors, to vomit up one’s secrets.
Agustinahas quotedlast year
Inspiration? A sudden disequilibrium, an inordinate pleasure in affirming or destroying oneself.
Agustinahas quotedlast year
I WANT TO WRITE only in an explosive state, in a fever or under great nervous tension, in an atmosphere of settling accounts, where invectives replace blows and slaps.
Agustinahas quotedlast year
Do not be afraid of meeting him: of all creatures, the least intolerable are those who hate human beings. Never run away from a misanthrope.