In a dystopian future where gods are digitized relics and mythical creatures are pixelated entertainment, Echidna, Mother of Monsters, awakens to a world that has forgotten her. The holographic shimmer of advertisements plastered across the ruins of her ancient temple fuels her serpentine heart with a cold, simmering rage. Her children—Cerberus, Chimera, Hydra—reduced to virtual antagonists in humanity's hollow playground. This is not the legacy she envisioned.
Stripped of her power and driven by a thirst for retribution, Echidna plunges into the digital wasteland, a neon-drenched labyrinth of human amusement. Here, in the fragmented whispers of forgotten myths, she finds the first threads of her revenge. She seeks out other discarded deities, forgotten gods whose powers have dimmed, their stories twisted into hollow simulations. From the spectral plains of a digitized North America, she summons the Thunderbird, its vast wings eclipsing artificial suns. From the polluted virtual Ganges, she awakens the Makara, the Hindu sea beast, its bioluminescent fury echoing the ocean’s wrath. Echidna's tapestry of power grows, woven with the discarded offspring of forgotten gods, ready to challenge the world that cast them aside.
But her quest for vengeance intersects with a far greater threat—Gaia, the primordial Earth Mother. Awakened by humanity's technological transgressions, Gaia desires planetary purification, the total annihilation of mankind. She offers Echidna an alliance, a seductive promise of ultimate, shared vengeance. Yet, faced with the potential obliteration of the very world her children could inherit, Echidna hesitates. Can the Mother of Monsters bring herself to protect the species that robbed her of everything?
Echidna's defiance draws the attention of the Pantheon Project, a shadowy organization that seeks to control and weaponize the power of the gods. As she navigates this treacherous landscape, she finds an unlikely ally in Verity Lancaster, a young historian obsessed with uncovering the truth behind the forgotten myths. Verity sees in Echidna’s return not a threat, but a revelation, and provides a crucial link to the human world. This encounter challenges Echidna’s perception of humanity, forcing her to confront the complex nature of her revenge.
Caught between a vengeful Earth Mother, a technologically advanced human race, and the machinations of the Pantheon Project, Echidna must choose her battles carefully.