Beneath the gleaming facade of Miami Beach's annual “Organize Your Life” expo, ameticulously craftednightmare unfolds. The pristine aisles, fragrant with lavender and thepromise of a streamlined existence, become a chilling backdrop for murder. Whenminimalist maven Rhonda Wallace is found dead, posed amidst the stark symmetry of herown display, it’sdismissed as a tragic accident. But Dr. Amber Cole, an anthropologiststudying our cultural obsession with order, senses a discordant note. Growing up amidsther mother’s chaotic antique collections, Amber recognizes a different kind of disorder, asuffocating perfectionism.
The discovery of a second guru, the “KonMari Queen” herself, posed amidst a macabresculpture of discarded belongings, confirms Amber’s suspicions. A single antique button,clutched in the victim’s hand, whispers of a past vehemently denied, a clue overlooked bypolice but not by Amber. Driven by a growing dread, she plunges into the shadowy world ofthe organization industry, uncovering a cutthroat realm of rivalries, a conspiracy of planned obsolescence, and families fractured bythe pursuit of a flawless aesthetic.
Detective John Harris, haunted by the unresolved disappearance of his own hoardingmother, initially dismisses Amber’s theories. But the escalating body count and increasinglytheatrical nature of the deaths force himto confront a truth as unsettling as his own past.The killer isn’t just targeting individuals; they are systematically dismantling the veryedifice of manufactured desire.
As the expo’s closing gala approaches, Amber finds herself trapped in a tightening web ofsuspicion, the target of threatening notes composed of meticulously clipped headlines. Hercarefully curated academic life becomes a terrifying reflection of the crime scenes shestudies. The pursuit leads her to Elias Vance, a vanished guru and the architect of a radicalanti-consumerist movement, whose methods have twisted into something far more sinister.
Amidst the dazzling spectacle of the gala, Amber confronts a chilling truth: the obsessionwith order isn’t the cure for our anxieties, but asymptom. And the price of this illusion isfar higher than anyone could have imagined. In a final, grotesque performance, the killerexposes the hollowness beneath the veneer of perfection, a chilling indictment of a societydrowning in the things it desperately tries to control.