In Three Little Love Stories, accomplished storyteller Pam Durban introduces us to a trio of women who have known love, hurt, and the oftentimes narrow distance between the two. “Riddle Me This” finds a woman freed from a dangerous marriage still able to recall with wonder and fondness her first encounter with her ex. In “All Hallows Eve” readers meet a couple stripped of costumes to reveal their vulnerable pasts in a moment of sheltering embrace. “Little Bone” asks if a patient, trusting love can stand as a cure for all of the haunting dangers of isolation. In each tale, Durban demonstrates her masterful command of evocative language and short form fiction as she delves into the complexities of the human experience of love.
The Three Little Love Stories—“Riddle Me This,” “All Hallows Eve,” and “Little Bone,”—were previously published in Shenandoah and are an excerpt from Soon: Stories, Pam Durban’s new collection from Story River Books exploring the myriad ways people lose, find, and hold on to one another.