Juliana Horatia Ewing's “The Peace Egg and Other Tales” is a captivating collection of children's stories that intricately weave themes of moral instruction, celebration of community, and the mysteries of life through folklore-inspired narratives. Ewing's exemplary literary style combines lyrical prose with an engaging simplicity that captures the imagination of young readers, all while reflecting the Victorian sensibilities of her time. The titular story, “The Peace Egg,” encapsulates the blend of religious celebration and cultural traditions that punctuate her work, highlighting the importance of compassion and understanding across diverse communities. Ewing, a pioneering female writer of the 19th century, was heavily influenced by her own experiences growing up in a close-knit family and her observations of societal norms and expectations. Her background, steeped in the narratives of childhood and moral lessons, lends authenticity to her storytelling. Moreover, her commitment to creating literature that imparts wisdom and ethical integrity underscores her belief in the enduring power of tales to shape young minds. This collection is highly recommended for educators, parents, and anyone who cherishes the art of storytelling. With its timeless themes and enchanting storytelling, “The Peace Egg and Other Tales” will not only entertain but also cultivate a sense of wonder and moral consideration in readers of all ages.