Sir Walter Raleigh was born on 22 January 1552 (though some claim 1554) at Hayes Barton, East Budleigh, Devon, England. He is perhaps most well known for introducing tobacco into England but his life is one of great intrigue. After taking part in the suppression of various Irish rebellions he took possession of their confiscated lands and rose rapidly to become a favourite of Queen Elizabeth. By 1585 he was knighted. A leader in the English exploitation of North America he gained a Royal Charter to explore and named what he found in honour of the Queen – Virginia. By secretly marrying Elizabeth Throckmorton, a lady in waiting, without the Queen's permission, they were both sent to the tower Of London. After release he retired to Sherborne in Dorset but by 1594 he was on his way to South America in search of the fabled El Dorado, of which he wrote an amplified account of his adventures. With the Queen's death in 1603 he was again arrested this time for treason. He was released again to search again for El Dorado but unfortunately ransacked a Spanish outpost. The Spanish demanded retribution and he was again arrested and this time beheaded on October 29th 1618. Here we publish much of his poetry. Written in a plain style and much based on actual events it delivers a powerful voice from a man as colourful as his times.