“When I Grow Up, I Want to Be Myself” was inspired when I noticed the lack of diversity in my daughter's literature. This book is based on students like me. I have an English background from Howard University, it was there that I realized my writing style could not fit into a “college essay” format. I decided to self-publish my first Children's book titled, “When I Grow Up, I Want To Be Myself”. 'WIGU' is a story about a natural-beauty named Naya who discovers that she is unique and stands out from her class. Through the story she realizes that she is an individual and that she has a voice that is different from that of her peers. This story is for all the little girls and boys of all colors who have felt “different” and alone. “When I Grow Up, I Want To Be Myself” promotes individuality and helps children understand that being unique is a quality about ourselves we should all love.