A man with the rather impressive name of Mikhail Csikszentmihalyi identified something called “flow,” where you are so absorbed in a task you are doing, so fully im-mersed, that you become almost unaware of external events.
biasarshas quoted5 years ago
But you will let them go, embrace them as character forming
biasarshas quoted5 years ago
And the more flexible we are, the more adventurous, the more life-embracing, then the more new avenues there will be to explore—and make mistakes in, of course.
biasarshas quoted5 years ago
Wisdom isn’t about not making mistakes, but about learning to escape afterward with our dignity and sanity intact.
biasarshas quoted5 years ago
kind to yourself when you do muck things up.
biasarshas quoted5 years ago
Let people find out for themselves with no clues from you.
biasarshas quoted5 years ago
Keep It Under Your Hat
rrecijphas quoted5 years ago
There is no doubt about life. It just is. Be confident. Be committed. Be sure of yourself. Once you have committed yourself to a set course, a path, a plan, then follow it through.
Have no doubt it was the right thing to do and no doubt that you will succeed.
rrecijphas quoted5 years ago
You might like to call it your conscience if you like, but deep down you know when you’ve done something bad.
rrecijphas quoted5 years ago
You become known as someone who is incredibly calm no matter what is happening. Calm people are trusted. Calm people are relied on. Calm people are looked up to and given responsibility. Calm people last longer.