A lot of African women are unable to reach their maximum potential as wives, mothers, professionals or in other spheres of influence. Jesus Christ designed us to be women of strength and courage, but a lot of us are living below what He planned for us, which is a life of abundance and fulfillment. This deficit is largely due to painful emotions, broadly categorized into three streams: anger, fear and guilt. Like women all over the world, we are wired to experience deep levels of emotion, and when unidentified and mismanaged, these painful emotions serve as a hindrance to full expression of our personalities.Overcoming Painful Emotions: A Guide is a hands-on, practical book. Part One helps us identify the painful emotions. Part Two helps us overcome the painful emotions by pointing us back to our Source, who is Jesus Christ, while Part Three helps us unleash new found energy and points us to how to maximize our God-given potential. The book is replete with Biblical and other case studies and contains a practical application section at the back. Why does it refer to African women in particular? The emotions discussed are common to every woman, but our peculiar culture provides a certain stimulus and flavor for the development of these emotions. This is a self-help book for the twenty-first century African woman or her companions and a useful resource for the lay counselor.