Remember ultimately you are a product and with any type of product, it’s only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.
Marissa Janehas quoted7 years ago
Your life is a direct manifestation of your thoughts and actions
Marissa Janehas quoted7 years ago
It’s a hustle, not a platform to serve your version of justice to who ever crosses you. Chances are they are miserable and it’s a form of sabotage by getting you
Marissa Janehas quoted7 years ago
If someone wrongs you, just keep it moving
Marissa Janehas quoted7 years ago
If your doing a double with another escort all you have to do is fuck that client better then her, make more eye contact and act genuinely interested in the client.
Marissa Janehas quoted7 years ago
your truly great at what you do, there is no competition.
Marissa Janehas quoted7 years ago
I have nothing to gain by being all up inside your head right now
Marissa Janehas quoted7 years ago
You and I can be friends because I’m not your competition.
Marissa Janehas quoted7 years ago
Keep your old clients at the same rate they were paying before. The new clients will pay the new rate. Just make sure any advertisements you have up reflect the new rate.
Marissa Janehas quoted7 years ago
Make your weakness your strength, embrace your niche