okay to cry if someone hurt me, but after the pain subsided, I needed to get up off the floor and dust myself off…because I didn’t belong there.
Flora Fezeuhas quoted4 years ago
The road to hell is paved with good intentions .”
camhas quoted5 years ago
We start to disperse…but not before Bianca calls out, “I meant what I said, bitch.” She lunges in my direction. “Hurt one of my brothers again and they’ll need dental records to identify your traitorous corpse.”
camhas quoted5 years ago
Oak’s cool and all, but he’s been known to make a few mountains out of molehills that resulted in him doing stupid shit.
Like calling 911 in the middle of a party because someone stole his weed.
camhas quoted5 years ago
You’re not wearing that,” I tell my sister as the patio door opens and my friend Oakley walks out onto the veranda.
Or rather, he tries to. The fucker trips over his own feet halfway to the table because his bloodshot pupils are glued to Bianca.
camhas quoted5 years ago
Liam died because a bunch of assholes at our school thought it was fun to bully a kid with anxiety and a stutter.
And I wasn’t there to protect him like I should have been. Because of her.