Music still makes me think of Scotty, but thinking of Scotty no longer makes me sad. Now that I’ve forgiven myself, the reminders of him only make me smile.
The End
Omnia Salmanhas quoted3 years ago
“I’m going to be so good to your girls, Scotty. I promise
Karinahas quoted2 years ago
Music still makes me think of Scotty, but thinking of Scotty no longer makes me sad. Now that I’ve forgiven myself, the reminders of him only make me smile.
The End
Karinahas quoted3 years ago
Two miles only takes two minutes when there’s no traffic, and two minutes isn’t all that long, but it sure does feel like an eternity when you’re spending it in a truck with a girl you almost fucked.
Ainna Najwahas quoted3 years ago
Dear Scotty,
She looks like both of us, but she laughs like you.
She’s perfect in every way.
I’m so sorry you never got to meet her.
Omnia Salmanhas quoted3 years ago
Happiness looks good on you, Kenna.”
Omnia Salmanhas quoted3 years ago
It’s myself I’ve been hard on. But I think I’ve reached the point that forgiving myself finally feels okay.
So I do.
You’re forgiven, Kenna.
luvley misaahas quotedlast year
. When I heard he had crawled sev
Kaltrina Krasniqihas quotedlast year
I don’t like that the one person I dislike the most in this world reminds me of the person I love the most.
Kaltrina Krasniqihas quotedlast year
People say you fall in love, but fall is such a sad word when you think about it. Falls are never good. You fall on the ground, you fall behind, you fall to your death