The man who rejoices finds joy in its strains, while he who grieves finds sorrow in it;
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The chief thing is to love others like yourself, that’s the great thing, and that’s everything; nothing else is wanted — you will find out at once how to arrange it all.
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For I have seen the truth; I have seen and I know that people can be beautiful and happy without losing the power of living on earth.
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I go to spread the tidings, I want to spread the tidings — of what? Of the truth, for I have seen it, have seen it with my own eyes, have seen it in all its glory.
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But when they looked at me with their sweet eyes full of love, when I felt that in their presence my heart, too, became as innocent and just as theirs, the feeling of the fullness of life took my breath away, and I worshipped them in silence.
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and in my love for them there was a yearning grief: why could I not love them without hating them?
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It was like being in love with each other, but an all-embracing, universal feeling.
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I long, I thirst, this very instant, to kiss with tears the earth that I have left
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let me tell you that no torture could ever equal the contempt which I shall go on dumbly feeling, though my martyrdom may last a million years!”
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How is it that I am not surprised that, though he is dead, he is here beside me and working with me? Why is it that my reason fully accepts it?