God’s stated purpose for us is to rule the earth forever as his children and heirs. Christ’s mission was—and is—to redeem what was lost in the Fall and to destroy all competitors to God’s dominion, authority, and power. When everything is put under his feet and mankind rules the earth as kings under the King of kings, everything at last will be as God intends. This peculiar era of rebellion will be over forever. At last, all God’s people— and the redeemed universe itself— will bask in the joy of our Master!
As you face today’s challenges, how does that make you feel?
Father, we look forward to the day when your will shallbe done on Earth as it is in Heaven. We have never seenthe world as you originally made it. But as you remakeit, we will see and understand what a world full ofrighteousness and justice and love and grace really lookslike. And it will be our home. Help us not to cling to theearth as it is today, under the Curse. Help us to long forthe earth as you intended it and as it one day will be.Meanwhile, empower us to live as Christ’s ambassadors,as citizens of a heavenly country. May people around us,seeing how citizens of this country live, be drawn to abetter way, one that pleases you and satisfies them.