In “Life with Father,” Clarence Day presents a humorous and poignant memoir that captures the essence of growing up in a turn-of-the-century American household. The narrative unfolds through a series of vignettes detailing the author's experiences with his domineering father, a man of strict principles and an unwavering belief in the importance of family. Day's literary style is characterized by a blend of wit and warmth, reflecting a keen observation of family dynamics and societal norms of the time, making this work a quintessential representation of early 20th-century American literature. Clarence Day, born in 1874, was deeply rooted in the New York City scene, which significantly influenced his writing. Coming from a well-to-do family, his experiences in a strict yet loving environment provided a rich backdrop for his reflections on family life. His skills as both an author and an illustrator brought a unique dimension to this memoir, allowing him to convey emotional depth while maintaining a lighthearted tone that resonates with readers. “Life with Father” is highly recommended for those interested in family narratives and the complexities of parental relationships. Day's ability to intertwine humor with sincerity offers readers not only an entertaining read but also profound insights into the nature of love, authority, and the familial bond.