George Bernard Shaw


  • Bardolatorhas quoted2 years ago
    If you can't appreciate what you've got, you'd better get what you can appreciate
  • Random Opinionhas quoted3 years ago
    When you go to women," says Nietzsche, "take your whip with you."


  • layan.has quoted11 days ago
    The church clock
  • layan.has quoted11 days ago

    The church clock
  • layan.has quoted11 days ago

    The church clock
  • layan.has quoted11 days ago
    The church clock
  • b6221027333has quotedlast month
    If you can't appreciate what you've got, you'd better get what you can appreciate.
  • zaloznikehas quotedlast year
    But as to Higgins, the only distinction he makes between men and women is that when he is neither bullying nor exclaiming to the heavens against some featherweight cross, he coaxes women as a child coaxes its
  • zaloznikehas quotedlast year
    But as to Higgins, the only distinction he makes between men and women is that when he is neither bullying nor exclaiming to the heavens against some featherweight cross, he coaxes women as a child coaxes its nurse when it wants to get anything out of her
  • zaloznikehas quotedlast year
    But as to Higgins, the only distinction he makes between men and women is that when he is neither bullying nor exclaiming to the heavens against some featherweight cross, he coaxes women as a child coaxes its nurse when it wants to get anything out of her.
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