This American classical fiction is a real-life love story circling a flawless young typewriter with curly, red-brown hair named Leonie Cuyler and an honorable young man Lynde Pyne. This delightful story Wenona Gilman is filled with charming characters, incredible imagery, and an elevated writing style that entertains the reader throughout. Excerpt from Leonie, the Typewriter “From the large, velvety eyes, Italian in color and softness, but Mexican in their occasional gleams of thrilling brilliancy, to the clear complexion with the touch of crimson in the cheeks; from the dainty, curly hair that lay in tiny rings upon the broad, white brow, to the mouth, with its sweeping, silken mustache, the face was absolutely without flaw or blemish. And yet no man ever laughed at Lynde Pyne for his beauty, or would have thought of pronouncing him effeminate.”