‘You can be separated in all sorts of ways, and end up very far away from each other, but the bond between you never breaks.
sanhas quoted16 days ago
‘Married couples are complicated things, Koishi. Sometimes separating just means you’re each able to follow the path you want. Some couples get divorced precisely because of how much they care about each other.’
sanhas quoted16 days ago
of grin and bear things. I never stopped to think how it might actually feel to be on the receiving end. I decided to remind myself just how important it was to eat something you really like . . .’
sanhas quoted16 days ago
Well, you know what they say: sometimes the bitterest medicine works best.’
sanhas quoted16 days ago
Exactly. The thing is, I only ever thought about it from the perspective of the person administering the medicine. If you want to stay healthy, sometimes you have to swallow a bitter pill – in other words, people should just sort
sanhas quoted16 days ago
I never really experienced the kind of warmth most people associate with the word “family”.
sanhas quoted16 days ago
The idea of happiness pitching up in my life like that all of a sudden – it terrified me.’
sanhas quoted16 days ago
The idea of happiness pitching up in my life like that all of a sudden – it terrified me.’