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Emotional Manipulation Tactics

  • Feride Atakanhas quoted4 months ago
    “The lion does not need the whole world to fear him, only those nearest where he roams.”
  • qd2c795rxnhas quotedlast year
    “The lion does not need the whole world to fear him, only those nearest where he roams.”
  • ivanabjelopetrovichas quoted2 years ago
    Inability To Say No: you find it hard to say no to them. It’s virtually impossible even if it is the right thing to do
  • ivanabjelopetrovichas quoted2 years ago
    Obligations.: You feel you owe them for loving you or for being in your life. You constantly feel grateful and obligated to them
  • ivanabjelopetrovichas quoted2 years ago
    You feel guilty. You think you are not being a good person and that it’s your entire fault. Even while you are relaxed and idle, you feel guilty that you aren’t using that time to please them in some way
  • ivanabjelopetrovichas quoted2 years ago
    keep asking for more
  • ivanabjelopetrovichas quoted2 years ago
    Expectations Grow: Your partner wants more from you every time. No matter what you do or how much love you show, they
  • ivanabjelopetrovichas quoted2 years ago
    You Justify Your Actions: You find yourself justifying your actions every time and still end up convincing yourself that it is you who do these favor freely without being manipulated
  • ivanabjelopetrovichas quoted2 years ago
    Your Relationship Feel Very Complex: you even find it hard to explain your relationship to friends and family, telling them that it's just “complicated"
  • ivanabjelopetrovichas quoted2 years ago
    How could you think that of me??!” they will often ask. "You could never do...", "If you loved me..." etc. To a manipulator, anything is open to guilt or can be used as guilt. All a manipulator has to do is suggest to the conscientious person that they don't care enough, are too selfish, etc., and that person immediately starts to feel bad and will do whatever it takes to lessen the feelings of guilt.
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