bookmate game
Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne of Ingleside

  • b6240656169has quoted2 years ago
    think of something clever to say! She knew that at three o'clock that night she would probably think of a brilliant retort she might have made but that did not help her now
  • b6240656169has quoted2 years ago
    "Plethe, dear God, make it rain hard. Make it rain pitchforkth. Or elth. . ." Rilla thought of another saving possibility, "make Thusanth cake burn . . . burn to a crithp."
  • b6240656169has quoted2 years ago
    "At least, let's hope and trust they'll each get as good a husband as their mother got," said Gilbert teasingly.
  • b2451633353has quoted4 years ago
    What was that? Somebody was coming up the stairs, three steps at a time, as Gilbert used to do long ago in the House of Dreams . . . as he had not done for a long time now. It couldn't be Gilbert . . . it was!
    He burst into the room . . . he flung a little packet on the table . . . he caught Anne by the waist and waltzed her round and round the room like a crazy schoolboy, coming to rest at last breathlessly in a silver pool of moonlight.
    "I was right, Anne . . . thank God, I was right! Mrs. Garrow is going to be all right . . . the specialist has said so."
    "Mrs. Garrow? Gilbert, have you gone crazy?"
    "Didn't I tell you? Surely I told you . . . well, I suppose it's been such a sore subject I just couldn't talk of it. I've been worried to death about it for the past two weeks . . . couldn't think of anything else, waking or sleeping. Mrs. Garrow lives in Lowbridge and was Parker's patient. He asked me in for a consultation . . . I diagnosed her case differently from him . . . we almost fought . . . I was sure I was right . . . I insisted there was a chance . . . we sent her to Montreal . . . Parker said she'd never come back alive . . . her husband was ready to shoot me on sight. When she was gone I went to bits . . . perhaps I was mistaken . . . perhaps I'd tortured her needlessly. I found the letter in my office when
  • Sophia Darkoahas quoted11 years ago
    "Withdraw thy foot from thy neighbour's house lest he weary of thee and hate thee."
  • ft.lenehas quoted19 days ago
    She turned away from the window. In her white gown, with her hair in its two long braids, she looked like the Anne of Green Gables days . . . of Redmond days . . . of the House of Dreams days. That inward glow was still shining through her. Through the open doorway came the soft sound of children breathing. Gilbert, who seldom snored, was indubitably snoring now. Anne grinned. She thought of something Christine had said. Poor childless Christine, shooting her little arrows of mockery.

    "What a family!" Anne repeated exultantly.
  • ft.lenehas quoted19 days ago
    She felt confident and gay and blithe.

    "Blythe! I feel Blythe," she said, laughing at the foolish little pun.
  • ft.lenehas quoted19 days ago
    They were all growing so fast. In just a few short years they would be all young men and women . . . youth tiptoe . . . expectant . . . a-star with its sweet wild dreams . . . little ships sailing out of safe harbour to unknown ports. The boys would go away to their life work and the girls . . . ah, the mist-veiled forms of beautiful brides might be seen coming down the old stairs at Ingleside. But they would be still hers for a few years yet . . . hers to love and guide . . . to sing the songs that so many mothers had sung. Hers . . . and Gilbert's
  • ft.lenehas quoted19 days ago
    Gilbert had been right. He was always right
  • ft.lenehas quoted19 days ago
    Jem had fallen asleep while reading "The Life Book of Captain Jim" . . . it was open on the spread
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