1 “Those girls,” people said, “think they can do anything and get away with it.”
julietamacherhas quoted7 months ago
have reached the point where I can only express the inarticulate, taste food without taste, smell whiffs of the past, read statistical books, and sleep in uncomfortable positions.”
julietamacherhas quoted7 months ago
She supposed she’d spend the rest of her life composing like that: fitting one thing into another and everything into the rules.
julietamacherhas quoted7 months ago
People can’t learn about their relations! As soon as they’re understood they’re over.
julietamacherhas quoted7 months ago
“So easy to be loved—so hard to love,”
julietamacherhas quoted8 months ago
He loved yellow flowers.
julietamacherhas quoted8 months ago
If you want to have things, you have got to take care of them.”
julietamacherhas quoted8 months ago
When man is no longer custodian of his vanities and convictions, he’s nothing at all, she thought
julietamacherhas quoted8 months ago
Why do we spend years using up our bodies to nurture our minds with experience and find our minds turning then to our exhausted bodies for solace?