When you pay for your husband with cold hard cash, there is very little you can do to keep him. Edith Chase found out the hard way. Her only hold on her husband, Lou, was her bank account, and even that wasn't holding him. Not well enough to suit her.
She wanted him to love her, to take her and satisfy her. But all he seemed to be interested in was the inviting smile of any young girl who caught his eye. He only took her to bed when it suited his needs.
Lou, too, felt trapped. His wife didn't turn him on, he saw himself getting old, and could see the day when he would be useless for anything but relaxing on his wife's money.
Enter Lenore. A young married girl with sexual preferences that her husband could not and would not take into consideration. She found it was very lonely up there on the pedestal he had put her on. The only way she could escape was to find a man who would fill her needs in bed. Someone who would take her so she knew she was being taken.
The day she met Lou Chase was the day she found the answer to her wish. Or so she thought…