n the developer tools, you’ll find a dropdown that has the “Online” option selected. Selecting “Slow 3G” from the dropdown will simulate a slower response.
Alma Patiñohas quoted6 years ago
Let’s add the command for nodemon to the package.json on the scripts key
Alma Patiñohas quoted6 years ago
enum SortablePhotoField { name description category created } Query { allPhotos( sort: SortDirection = DESCENDING sortBy: SortablePhotoField = created ): [Photo!]! }
a connection or link between two objects is called an edge.
Alma Patiñohas quoted6 years ago
GraphQL’s built in scalar types (Int, Float, String, Boolean, ID)
Alma Patiñohas quoted6 years ago
Schema First is a design methodology that will get all of your teams on the same page about the data types that make up your application.
Alma Patiñohas quoted6 years ago
hema First is a design methodology that will get all of your teams on the same page about the data types that make up your application.
Alma Patiñohas quoted6 years ago
ut of the box, GraphQL comes with five built-in scalar types: integers (Int), floats (Float), strings (String), Booleans (Boolean), and unique identifiers (ID).