It is a suggestive fact that no man becomes a philosopher until he attempts to know something that the Senses cannot interpret.
ddlohhhas quoted7 years ago
My physical body contacts physical things. My mind contacts thoughts. My spirit can contact God. Reason is the light that is shed by the oil of the Senses.
ddlohhhas quoted7 years ago
Man’s spirit is the real man. His Senses are but the servants of this real man.
ddlohhhas quoted7 years ago
All Sense Knowledge comes by works. Grace Knowledge comes by faith.
ddlohhhas quoted7 years ago
Revelation or Faith Knowledge is in the realm above Sense Knowledge.
ddlohhhas quoted7 years ago
We have not realized that spirit hunger is as real as physical or mental hunger.
ddlohhhas quoted7 years ago
It is your spirit that loves. We talk about the heart loving. The heart is just a figurative term for the spirit.
ddlohhhas quoted7 years ago
Faith is not the product of the Senses, it is the product of your spirit.
ddlohhhas quoted7 years ago
The great achievements of God are faith achievements. The thing that calls the achievements into being is love.