CALIFORNIA: THE POLITICS OF DIVERSITY, 10th Edition, explores the uniqueness and excitement of California's political environment through two key themes: diversity and hyperpluralism. Experienced educators with backgrounds in state and local government, Lawrence and Cummins bring an informed, insightful perspective to the examination of the numerous pressures that make governing the state increasingly challenging. This edition offers new pedagogical features that drive home significant developments and events in California politics. The text is also written in an easily accessible way that provides examples particularly interesting to students. The new edition covers the final years in office of former Governor Jerry Brown and provides insight on newly-elected Governor Gavin Newsom’s administration. It also provides updated analysis of the state’s major policy areas, including water, housing, transportation, health care, K-12 education, higher education and climate change. No other textbook on California politics offers as much coverage and in-depth analysis of the state’s political development and institutions that have shaped the Golden State into what it is today.