“Can I help?” I ask.
“No offense. But I don’t really think so.”
“Okay,” I mumble.
“It’s just a problem that I can’t get out of my head. I feel like I won’t be able to relax until I find an answer.”
“Do you want to talk about it? I know sometimes when I have a problem, I talk it out with my brother or mom. Even if I don’t find an answer, I feel better anyway.”
“Well . . .”
I wait.
“I’ve just been wondering . . . if an insect is flying inside a moving train car, is it traveling faster than the train itself? And if the insect flies in the opposite direction that the train is moving in, is it then traveling more slowly than the train? Obviously, if the fly is on the wall, it is moving at the same speed. As long as it isn’t walking. But the movement within movement is a puzzle to me.”