This is a mystery novel that tells the story of Ralph Howland and his wife, Mary. Ralph Howland, is a magnate of wide interests and various enterprises. An epidemic of sleeping sickness had claimed their only child, the little five-year-old Angela. After the death of Angela, Mary is uninterested in everything, even including her husband. Howland had ceased to expect his wife to show him love or even want it. Rob Peters and his wife, Sally, visit the Howland at their home. Rob is interested in selling a business venture to Ralph. But Ralph's cousin Leonard Swift knows it is a bad venture and warns him of investing in the mine. Mary threw a party for Sally. And by the next day, Ralph's dead body is discovered by Conrad Skyler. In this mystery, Pennington Wise and his reliable assistant Zizi are faced with a complex case to solve. How was Mr. Howland murdered, and by whom? Is the key witness Angela Howland missing or is she dead as well?