“Moonstone Formation” explores the fascinating geological origins of moonstones, focusing on how these gemstones acquire their captivating adularescence.
The book delves into the processes of feldspar crystallization within igneous and metamorphic rocks, illuminating the conditions necessary for moonstone genesis.
A key aspect is the detailed examination of exsolution lamellae, the microscopic structures responsible for the moonstone's unique shimmer, linking to the broader understanding of Earth Sciences.
The book progresses from the mineralogy of feldspars to the physics of light scattering, explaining how light interacts with these lamellae to produce adularescence.
It then examines geological settings like pegmatites and metamorphic terrains where moonstones are commonly found.
The book explains the central argument that adularescence is a result of exsolution during alkali feldspar cooling, offering a comprehensive understanding of their optical properties while explaining the underlying geology.
This book offers a unique, in-depth exploration of moonstone formation, bridging traditional petrological methods with modern analytical techniques.
The book is valuable for geology students, mineral collectors, and gemologists interested in the science behind gemstone formation, providing a dedicated resource previously unavailable in broader texts.