P. G. Wodehouse

Aunts Aren't Gentlemen

  • Daniel Montgomeryhas quoted7 years ago
    My attention was drawn to the spots on my chest when I was in my bath, singing, if I remember rightly, the Toreador song from the opera Carmen. They were pink in colour, rather like the first faint flush of dawn, and I viewed them with concern. I am not a fussy man, but I do object to being freckled like a pard, as I once heard Jeeves describe it, a pard, I take it, being something in the order of one of those dogs beginning with d.
    'Jeeves,' I said at the breakfast table, 'I've got spots on my chest.'
    'Indeed, sir?'
    'Indeed, sir?'
    'I don't like them.'
    'A very understandable prejudice, sir. Might I enquire if they itch?'
    'Sort of.'
    'I would not advocate scratching them.'
    'I disagree with you. You have to take a firm line with spots. Remember what the poet said.'
    'The poet Ogden Nash. The poem he wrote defending the practice of scratching. Who was Barbara Frietchie, Jeeves?'
    'A lady of some prominence in the American war between the States, sir.'
    'A woman of strong character? One you could rely on?'
    'So I have always understood, sir.'
    'Well, here's what the poet Nash wrote. "I'm greatly attached to Barbara Frietchie. I'll bet she scratched when she was itchy." But I shall not be content with scratching. I shall place myself in the hands of a competent doctor.'
  • loriewesthas quoted8 years ago
    'The ultimate in comfort reading because nothing bad ever happens in P.G. Wodehouse land. Or even if it does, it's always sorted out by the end of the book. For as long as I'm immersed in a P.G. Wodehouse book, it's possible to keep the real world at bay and live in a far, far nicer, funnier one where happy endings are the order of the day' Marian Keyes
  • Afyina Asmawihas quoted3 years ago
    Indeed, sir?'
    'Indeed, sir?'
    'I don't like them.'
  • Enikő Komlóssyhas quoted4 years ago
    there if a daughter blots her copybook, her father chops her head off and buries her in the back garden.
  • Enikő Komlóssyhas quoted4 years ago
    He's been having a spot of domestic trouble
  • Enikő Komlóssyhas quoted4 years ago
    obably having trouble with his vocal cords, to snort visibly
  • Enikő Komlóssyhas quoted4 years ago
    who seemed to think that a guest is entitled to issue invitations to his host's house, which any good etiquette book would have told him is not the case.
  • Enikő Komlóssyhas quoted4 years ago
    I suppose the original name was something ghastly which he couldn't stand any longer.
  • Enikő Komlóssyhas quoted4 years ago
    evidently stunned by the idea that I could have a respectable acquaintance.
  • Enikő Komlóssyhas quoted4 years ago
    being on the premises
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