Our world is at a critical inflection point. The existing paradigms that have governed our society and our economic constructs for decades are on the verge of breaking down as the inequities and distorted incentive structures inherent within our current socioeconomic models can no longer be ignored. Financial, sociopolitical and ecological stresses that have been building for years are on the verge of manifesting in dramatic fashion.
We can intercept this inflection point and create new, unity-based models that are holistic in nature and accretive to societal functioning overall, free from the polarizing nature of unconstrained, single metric measurements of success. Truly successful models that are not constrained by zero sum calculations or sub-optimized by various embedded power structures do exist. What is needed is an honest exploration and open discourse around some of the fundamental precepts that we have predicated our socioeconomic structures upon and more optimal suggestions for moving forward.
Unity Proposition addresses the most relevant issues that are currently facing our world and discusses a unity themed philosophy that seeks to obviate the conflict-based narratives that currently permeate public discourse concerning potential solutions to our pending societal crises. Practical models that adopt the most beneficial and well-functioning aspects of society that are currently operant are discussed and suggestions for incorporating these best practices into new and synergistic “highest good” holistic solutions are offered.