From the beginning man has been rejecting and rebelling against God. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and were evicted from the Garden. In the time of Noah God wiped man from the planet except for Noah and his family. The entire populations of Sodom and Gomorrah rejected God and were destroyed. In the time of Isaiah God said “You worship me with your mouths but your hearts are far from me.” The institutional church rejected and killed Christ in his time. In the 1600s the institutional church would kill believers if they did not believe the Earth was flat and the center of the universe.
Since the beginning man has rejected God while at the same time believing they had the preponderance of the truth. Throughout history man has lived in his arrogance while at the same time being blissfully unaware of it.
Jesus said “Many will come in my name and deceive many”. Indeed, they have. Today's institutional churches are teaching theology which cannot be supported in the scripture. They are leading many astray with false narratives and unsupported doctrine.
Cursed Above All Cattle challenges these narratives, particularly the end day prophecies. The institutional church has formed false narratives on the end day prophecies which has lulled believers to sleep and given them a false sense of security. Read this book and be ready, the end days are upon us.