“The Beautiful Beast” documents in meticulous detail the extraordinary and frightening biography of Irma Grese. Born in a tiny farming community fifty miles north of Berlin, she became the ultimate feminine representative of the Hitlerian vision of the warrior-youth;indeed, with her blonde hair and strikingly blue eyes, Grese embodied all the physical characteristics of the idealized Nazi youth! Once Irma Grese was old enough to secure a training spot in the newly-created corps of female SS auxiliaries, this one-time «no one from nowhere” demonstrated the requisite brutality and unrelenting callousness to punish the so-called “subhumans” of the Nazi terror state. In the end, this young woman, barely 22 years old, would pay with her life for her absolute devotion to her beloved Fuehrer. However, thanks to Daniel Patrick Brown's pioneering work, the complete chronicle of this true believer's short life is now available for all to read.