Again, we are going to practice with a camera. So get one ready. If it has one, your computer’s onboard camera will do fine. Don’t watch the live video playback. Minimize the video recording screen so you can’t see what you look like in real time.
You are going to call out the following and practice these smiles:
My normal smile (say it, then do it)
Jaw drop smile (relax the lower jaw so it hangs like in the Will Smith photo - say it, then do it)
Radiate love from your eyes (just do it as best you can - say it, then do it)
The Goofy Smile (whatever this means to you - say it, then do it)
The Laughter Smile (form the smile by laughing - say it, then do it)
Now it’s time to watch the video back.
As you watch, pay attention to which smile you feel most comfortable with as an observer. Don’t get hung up on any perceived flaws. Just ask yourself, which inspires the warmest, most comfortable feeling