In the quiet town of Crayford, hidden behind quaint facades and friendly smiles, something dark brews beneath the surface. The town’s residents have lived under a strange pattern of disappearances, each case swept aside as an “unsolvable mystery.” But when a notorious investigative journalist, Evie Drummond, arrives seeking refuge after an attack nearly claimed her life, she quickly senses that Crayford is far from ordinary.
Drawn into a web of secrets, Evie stumbles upon a hidden divide—an underground network that traffics in more than just information. With each lead, she uncovers disturbing connections between the missing people, a secret society operating in the shadows, and the charismatic yet unsettling figure who runs it all from behind the scenes. As Evie digs deeper, she faces unexpected allies and enemies, both in and outside the law, and learns that escaping Crayford might prove far harder than entering it. In a race against time, Evie must decipher who she can trust before she becomes the next victim in the ever-growing list of those who have vanished into the dark.