You are a messenger. Every day, every moment you send a message to the Universe, to God, and to all those whose lives you touch: This is Who I Am. You do it with every thought you think, every word you speak, every deed you do.
Lliahas quoted9 years ago
Relationships work best when you always do what is best for you
Lliahas quoted9 years ago
when you are clear what is best for you, and only do what is best for you, you never perform an unGodly act.
Anna Chistopolovahas quoted6 years ago
The key to our level of consciousness is our awareness of our Sponsoring Thought.
Anna Chistopolovahas quoted6 years ago
Once more then, thoughts, words, and deeds are the energies, or levels, of creation. Each level requires a different kind (vibration) of physical energy.
Anna Chistopolovahas quoted6 years ago
We spend most of our adult lives learning to trust our feelings. This is not surprising, since most of our growing up years were spent learning to ignore them.
Anna Chistopolovahas quoted6 years ago
Your every thought, your every word, your every action is a statement to the Universe: This is Who I Am.
Anna Chistopolovahas quoted6 years ago
Life is not a process of discovery, it is a process of creation.
Anna Chistopolovahas quoted6 years ago
You are who you think you are. You are your own thoughts about yourself, made manifest.
Lliahas quoted9 years ago
Enter relationship with another for the right reason. Use your relationship for growth. Understand that it was meant for that.