Bestselling author: Barbara Wood has sold millions of books in more than 30 languages, winning several literary awards and twice achieving New York Times bestseller status. The Serpent and the Staff HC has sold over 4,000 LTD since November 2013.
Beautiful package, completes paperback editions: The Serpent and the Staff features a branded cover similar to all Barbara’s paperback backlist covers. The Barbara Wood Collection’s 17 books (Turner) have sold thousands of copies and all are now available in paperback.
Tie-in to Rainbows on the Moon new release and The Divining paperback release (10/28/14)
Setting: The Middle East provides a unique backdrop to this epic tale, integrating the history, culture, and religions of the era with Wood’s trademark historical accuracy.
Loyal fan base worldwide: Wood has a huge international following of devoted readers, and The Serpent and the Staff has added to her fan base of millions.