Goshway, a mischievous five year old jumps from roof tops, chases family pets and defies rapid streams by linking arms with his friends. His life growing up in the Chittagong Hill Tracts is filled with delightful childhood adventures. But Goshway’s world changes forever when his village is attacked and burnt to the ground. He flees to safety, and a life of displacement begins. His only goal is now narrowly focused on survival. Meanwhile Goshway's parents focus efforts on protecting their children, even when their sons are lured closer to taking up arms against land grabbing settlers.
This non-fiction graphic novel is a first of its kind combining illustrations with QR codes to bring readers a dramatized radio play with simple animation and subtitles. Supplemental historical material and trauma informed guides for educators and recovering survivors, which we call “TIGERS Tools” are also available with the e-book or print book membership at displaced.thence.us