William H. Ukers


  • Novem MWhas quoted5 years ago
    The history of the word coffee involves several phonetic difficulties. The European languages got the name of the beverage about 1600 from the original Arabicqahwah, not directly, but through its Turkish form, kahveh. This was the name, not of the plant, but the beverage made from its infusion, being originally one of the names employed for wine in Arabic.

    Sir James Murray, in the New English Dictionary, says that some have conjectured that the word is a foreign, perhaps African, word disguised, and have thought it connected with the name Kaffa, a town in Shoa, southwest Abyssinia, reputed native place of the coffee plant, but that of this there is no evidence, and the name qahwah is not given to the berry or plant, which is calledbunn, the native name in Shoa being būn.
  • Novem MWhas quoted5 years ago
    The caffeol supplies the flavor and the aroma—that indescribable Oriental fragrance that wooes us through the nostrils, forming one of the principal elements that make up the lure of coffee.
  • Novem MWhas quoted5 years ago
    Caffein supplies the principal stimulant. It increases the capacity for muscular and mental work without harmful reaction.
  • Novem MWhas quoted5 years ago
    Caffein supplies the principal stimulant. It increases the capacity for muscular and mental work without harmful reaction
  • Novem MWhas quoted5 years ago
    Men and women drink coffee because it adds to their sense of well-being. It not only smells good and tastes good to all mankind, heathen or civilized, but all respond to its wonderful stimulating properties. The chief factors in coffee goodness are the caffein content and the caffeol.
  • Novem MWhas quoted5 years ago
    coffee is something more than a beverage. It is one of the world's greatest adjuvant foods. There are other auxiliary foods, but none that excels it for palatability and comforting effects, the psychology of which is to be found in its unique flavor and aroma.
  • Novem MWhas quoted5 years ago
    It has been acclaimed "the most grateful lubricant known to the human machine," and "the most delightful taste in all nature."
  • Novem MWhas quoted5 years ago
    People love coffee because of its two-fold effect—the pleasurable sensation and the increased efficiency it produces.
  • Novem MWhas quoted5 years ago
    Leaves and beans—these are the vegetable sources of the world's favorite non-alcoholic table-beverages. Of the two, the tea leaves lead in total amount consumed; the coffee beans are second; and the cocoa beans are a distant third, although advancing steadily. But in international commerce the coffee beans occupy a far more important position than either of the others, being imported into non-producing countries to twice the extent of the tea leaves.
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