Your emotions have enormous value. They provide useful information about the situation you’re in, vital clues you would be unwise to ignore.
b7069643570has quoted3 years ago
What you feel is not the problem. There’s no such thing as a good or bad emotion.
b7069643570has quoted3 years ago
Pulling others into your change efforts like this is not only more likely to make your new habits stick, it’s also a great way to strengthen and deepen your relationships at work
b7069643570has quoted3 years ago
start by asking one person you trust for help in addressing a habit you would like to change.
b7069643570has quoted3 years ago
Coaches serve as disruptors, reminding you that you’re trying to change, and keeping your efforts on your front burner
b7069643570has quoted3 years ago
This is why coaching can be so useful
b7069643570has quoted3 years ago
But the ease of defaulting makes changing habits hard.