P. G. Wodehouse

Psmith in the City

  • Crystal Alexanderhas quoted6 years ago
    You have the manner of one whose only friend on earth is a yellow dog, and who has lost the dog
  • rbc44has quoted7 years ago
    Whenever a number of people are working at the same thing, even though that thing is not perhaps what they would have chosen as an object in life, if left to themselves, there is bound to exist an atmosphere of good-fellowship; something akin to, though a hundred times weaker than, the public school spirit. Such a community lacks the main motive of the public school spirit, which is pride
  • rbc44has quoted7 years ago
    No, what is worrying me, Comrade Jackson, is not the thought of the push. It is the growing fear that Comrade Bickersdyke and I will never thoroughly understand and appreciate one another. A deep gulf lies between us. I do what I can do to bridge it over, but he makes no response. On his side of the gulf building operations appear to be at an entire standstill. That is what is carving these lines of care on my forehead, Comrade Jackson. That is what is painting these purple circles beneath my eyes. Quite inadver
  • rbc44has quoted7 years ago
    'I am sorry,' said Psmith gravely, 'if my stare falls short in any way of your ideal of what a stare should be; but I appeal to these gentlemen. Could I have watched the game more quietly?'
  • Igor Razvodovskyhas quoted8 years ago
    In that case, we will take a taximeter cab, and go out into the unknown, hand in hand, trusting to luck.'
  • Igor Razvodovskyhas quoted8 years ago
    The subject is not hard to master if one sets oneself earnestly to it
  • ranjanrakesh135has quoted9 years ago
    The cricketer in Mr Smith came to the top again, blended now, however, with the host. He was annoyed, but restrained in his annoyance
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