I lived with a psychopath for years, with whom I experienced the extremes.
Through him, I experienced both pleasure and the depths of hell. I wrote about the years spent with and without him in my book Psycho Trap: All in One. I ended my abusive relationship more than three years ago, but even before the breakup (when I realized who I was living with), I started to become interested in the reasons behind it all. I wanted to figure out everything…
⚡️Why things happen, ⚡️how psychopathy develops, ⚡️what a psychopath is capable of, how they react, how far they will go, and what characteristics they possess, ⚡️what happens after we say it's over, ⚡️where and from whom we can ask for help, or when it's useless to do so, ⚡️when they help and when they don’t, ⚡️what stages await us after separation, ⚡️what we need to do to avoid being sucked back into the abusive relationship, ⚡️why so many victims return to their abuser, ⚡️what we can do against it, ✨how we can deal with the daily psychological terror and harassment that follows the breakup… (?)
In search of answers, I delved into specialized books day and night, and to this day, I regularly attend lectures on the subject. Additionally, I conducted (unofficial) research with volunteers who have left abusive relationships. I can say that I have become obsessed with psychology. Thus, I have not only experienced firsthand but also learned through my studies what an abusive person is like. ✨In my book, I also write about the connections between psychopaths and narcissists (who often show overlapping characteristics),
✨their entrapment techniques, ✨and the phases of a psychopathic relationship. ✨I poured my studies and experiences into the book, where readers will find answers to all the aforementioned questions.