There’s one room that is entirely books, and I am vaguely reminded of that scene in Beauty and the Beast when Belle is taken into the book room.
Ork✨has quoted5 months ago
I hope this little incident doesn’t make it into his weekly phone call with mom and dad.
Ork✨has quoted5 months ago
It’s a relief that I don’t have to tell him everything, but sometimes I wish he would press me.
Ork✨has quoted8 months ago
Will you be over tonight?
Even though I already arranged with Douglas to come over to the penthouse tonight to bring groceries and clean, he always confirms with a text message. He’s extremely organized.
Ork✨has quoted8 months ago
swear to God, he must be making these names up off the top of his head.
Ork✨has quoted8 months ago
knows exactly where I live and somehow knows my first name. Probably my last name too.
Habitante de librohas quoted9 months ago
beauty is less easily perceived when it’s in an unassuming setting.”
Queen🦋has quotedlast year
Tonight, I will be murdered
Лера Третьякhas quoted2 years ago
“I sort of have a, you know, a prison record.” “You have a what?” His jaw looks like it’s about to unhinge. “A prison record? Like you were in prison?” “Yeah. That’s kind of what a prison record means.”