“West Port Murders” is a gripping anthology that delves into the shadowy depths of Victorian criminality, weaving together narratives inspired by the infamous Burke and Hare murders. The book employs a tapestry of literary styles, each tale reflecting the distinct voice of its author, yet collectively evoking a sense of dread and fascination characteristic of the Gothic tradition. The stories not only unveil the chilling reality of grave-robbing and murder but also serve as a critique of the societal norms and moral quandaries of the 19th century, thus embedding the narratives in a rich literary context framed by both historical accuracy and imaginative embellishment. The anthology features contributions from various writers, each bringing their unique insights and stylistic flair. This collaboration is particularly significant as it echoes the communal nature of crime fiction in the Victorian era, where tales of horror and fascination emerged from real-life events to capture the public'Äôs imagination. As scholars have noted, the Victorian obsession with death and the macabre often drew from the cultural anxieties surrounding medical ethics and human dissection, which are critically examined throughout the collection. For readers who are intrigued by the interplay between fiction and historical events, “West Port Murders” is an essential addition to their library. It elegantly encapsulates the anxieties and complexities of its time while providing a thrilling reading experience that provokes thought about morality and human nature. This anthology beckons to all who dare to explore the dark corridors of human history.