SEMRush: A Guide To Complete SEO And PPC Dominance introduces the many tools and services offered by SEMRush and gives practical examples of how the information provided by their in-depth website and SEO analysis can be useful in your marketing campaigns, content creation, and website design.
Marketing and SEO techniques explained throughout the text include:
• Improving the use of keywords for Search Engine Optimization
• Understanding your competitor’s SEO efforts to duplicate and improve upon them
• Avoiding the pitfalls of PPC ads that can cause your company to waste perfectly good money on ads that are competing against themselves
• How to learn from your competition’s successful social media campaigns
• How to analyze your social media efforts and improve upon them
• The role of SEO in Public Relations and vice versa.
• How to leverage in-depth analysis of your website and compare this with your competitors to build an online marketing plan that’s truly geared towards success.
All of these things and much more are made possible through the in-depth analytic tools built into SEMRush. Start learning how today!