Fyodor Dostoevsky

Short Stories

  • ssharifhas quoted6 years ago
    Nowadays humour and a fine style have disappeared, and abuse is accepted as wit.
  • Hina Usmanhas quotedlast month
    For I have seen the truth; I have seen and I know that people can be beautiful and happy without losing the power of living on earth.
  • Hina Usmanhas quotedlast month
    They desired nothing and were at peace; they did not aspire to knowledge of life as we aspire to understand it, because their lives were full. But their knowledge was higher and deeper than ours; for our science seeks to explain what life is, aspires to understand it in order to teach others how to live, while they without science knew how to live; and that I understood, but I could not understand their knowledge. They showed me their trees, and I could not understand the intense love with which they looked at them; it was as though they were talking with creatures like themselves
  • Samia Lamaamrihas quoted5 months ago
    He had pictured a thousand times over his return to the office as he sat at home in misery. With horror and conviction he told himself that he would certainly hear behind him an ambiguous whisper, would see ambiguous faces, would intercept ominous smiles. What was his surprise when nothing of the sort happened. He was greeted with respect; he was met with bows; every one was grave; every one was busy.
  • Samia Lamaamrihas quoted5 months ago
    Then began attacks of moral agony on the theme of his existence manquée. Then shame flamed up again in his soul, took complete possession of him at once, consumed him like fire and re-opened his wounds. He shuddered as pictures of all sorts rose before his mind. What would people say about him, what would they think when he walked into his office? What a whisper would dog his steps for a whole year, ten years, his whole life! His story would go down to posterity.
  • Samia Lamaamrihas quoted5 months ago
    He did not even justify himself, there was no limit to his blame of himself. He could find no extenuating circumstances, and was ashamed of trying to.
  • Samia Lamaamrihas quoted5 months ago
    He was ill, wretchedly ill, but more morally than physically. He lived through a perfect hell in those days, and they must have been reckoned to his account in the other world.
  • Samia Lamaamrihas quoted5 months ago
    "You are all scoundrels!" roared the young man of the comic paper. "I will caricature you all to-morrow in the Firebrand."
  • Samia Lamaamrihas quoted5 months ago
    He had the persistence of an ant. Destroy an ants' nest, and they will begin at once re-erecting it; destroy it again, and they will begin again without wearying. He was a constructive house-building animal.
  • Samia Lamaamrihas quoted5 months ago
    "Porfiry, I appeal to you.... Tell me, when I came ... yes ... yes, to your wedding, I had an object. I was aiming at moral elevation.... I wanted it to be felt.... I appeal to all: am I greatly lowered in your eyes or not?"

    A deathlike silence. That was just it, a deathlike silence, and to such a downright question.
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