The maze unfurls itself before me, beckoning. I realize I know where I am, and how to find my way back
linsdillonhas quoted6 years ago
I don’t need to justify my behavior, to acknowledge the messiness of my past, but I want to. Talking about it wrests away the control it’s had over me. Talking about it razes the shame, leaving room for another emotion to rise in its place
linsdillonhas quoted6 years ago
I shouldn’t feel like I need to explain or justify my behavior. No one needs to be comfortable with my motivations but me
linsdillonhas quoted6 years ago
realizing I will never again be the main spectacle at the party, the engine that makes it go, and not missing that role at all.
linsdillonhas quoted6 years ago
I’ve felt new to myself, open to whatever I might find—good or bad, soothing or disconcerting, familiar or strange
linsdillonhas quoted6 years ago
I’ve made so many decisions that have taken me away from myself, that have made it impossible to know who I am, and I’m ready to chart the path back
linsdillonhas quoted6 years ago
As with every fire I’ve gone to, you will rebuild and be in a better, safer place going forward
linsdillonhas quoted6 years ago
Just like other injuries you’ve recovered from, this will be painful, frustrating, demoralizing
linsdillonhas quoted6 years ago
You cannot do this on your own
linsdillonhas quoted6 years ago
Just as you’ve sought help before for your leg, you need to ask for help from your friends and family