Francis Scott Fitzgerald

News of Paris — Fifteen Years Ago

  • vitahas quoted6 years ago
    Good. In the lobby he joined a party of wedding guests and repaired to the Ritz on the man's part of the bar. You couldn't be with women incessantly.
    "How long will you be in Paris, Henry?"
    "That's not a fair question. I can always tell you how long I'll be in New York or London."
    He had two cocktails—each at a different table. A little before one when the confusion and din were at their height he went out into the Rue Cambon. There was not a taxi to be had—the doormen were chasing them all the way up to the Rue de Rivoli. One sailed into port with a doorman on the running board but a lovely little brunette in pale green was already waiting.
  • vitahas quoted6 years ago
    "We shouldn't both be coming from the same direction," Ruth said. "A lot of people know we're at the same hotel."
    Henry Haven Dell smiled and then they both laughed. It was a bright morning in April and they had just turned off the Champs Elysées toward the English Church.
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