The story of Maencael is, exactly how the woman told me of her life story and what happened to her for her beliefs, from her first entering her training, to her death, making me promise I would tell her story.
Maencael is waiting to be found by a modern day priest to send her to her peace in her next life, she is waiting to be found by the clues she has given me to tell, but i am not smart enough to decipher them properly, as when she was talking in my head, i kept tripping over her words to my English teaching of words, and so i kept trying to not accept her words and tried changing them into the English words i was comfortable with, so if some words or sentences contain both, then that is me trying my best to not believe what a female voice was saying in my head to write down with pages of drawings, hoping she will be found and put to her next life, readers if all this sounds like bullshit, then how do much do you think a female voice from the very distant past telling me her story, how much do you think she totally rattled my uneducated brain.